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Why is the insurance company taking so long to fix my vehicle?

July 26, 2024
Fixing a car with insurance can take time. They check your claim, inspect the car, and must approve costs. Delays happen if shops are busy, parts are scarce, repairs are complex, rentals are out, or communication is slow.

There are a few reasons why fixing your vehicle might take a while when dealing with an insurance company:

  1. Claim Processing: The insurance company has to check out your claim. This means they look at the accident details, what damage happened, and what your policy covers.
  2. Inspection: An expert, often called an adjuster, will inspect your car to see how bad the damage is. They need to make sure the repair costs match up with what you're claiming.
  3. Approval: After the inspection, the insurance company has to approve the repairs. Sometimes, they might not agree with the repair shop's estimate, which can cause delays.
  4. Busy Repair Shops: If the shop that's fixing your car is really busy, you might have to wait in line. After big storms or during holidays, shops can get backed up with lots of cars needing work.
  5. Parts Availability: Sometimes, the parts needed to fix your car aren't available right away. They might need to be ordered, which can take time, especially if they're coming from far away.
  6. Complex Repairs: If your car got really banged up, the repairs might be complicated. Complex repairs take longer because they need more work and sometimes special skills.
  7. Rental Car Shortage: If you need a rental car while yours is in the shop, but there aren't any available, you might end up waiting until one is free.
  8. Communication Issues: Sometimes, messages between you, the insurance company, and the repair shop can get mixed up or delayed, which can slow things down.

Remember, it's okay to ask your insurance company for updates so you know what's going on with your car.

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Jacob is a compassionate, no-nonsense personal injury attorney. Rest assured, he will fight for the best outcome possible for your injuries.

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don't speak to the insurance company

protect your rights and speak with an attorney first

Insurance companies are not looking forward to helping you get better or paying for your damages. They will say and do anything to avoid paying you what you deserve! Hiring an attorney is a great motivator and puts the insurance companies on notice. We're on YOUR side!

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